Fresh, Local Flowers from North Berwick, Maine

Hi, I'm Tearsa, and I was raised on a farm.
A huge farm. A farm so big, that, comparatively, Fox Farm Flowers might be considered nothing more than a garden.
I grew up, left the farm, and never thought I would look back. Farming was not for me. I did still plant a garden, and many of those gardens included a row of flowers from mixed seed packets. I had no idea what varieties were blooming without some researching (if I even bothered), but I did know that they were beautiful and the pollinators loved them.
Many years and a family later, I was cutting some of my garden-grown flowers for an arrangement. The thought occurred to me that this could be something bigger. I could be growing more than just a row; I could be making this the next chapter of my life.
A quick Google search led me to order a book all about flower farming. I cracked it open, feeling optimistic that I was about to find all the knowledge I needed to guide my future farmer goals. Upon finishing, I was more convinced than ever that I wanted to help bring fresh-cut, local flowers to my community, but I also realized my naivety in thinking one book could ever give me what I needed to run a small farm. Many books, classes, courses, research, and learning-as-I-go later, here we are.
What started out as a simple idea to grow flowers has become a rabbit hole into soil microbiology, regenerative practices, native plant benefits, plant varieties, deer-proofing, boulder excavating, digging, shoveling, wheelbarrow-ing, lots of sweat, and much more. And while Fox Farm Flowers is still very much in an adolescent state, I'm confident it will continue to provide challenges, rewards, and many blooms to come.
I would love for you to join me as I seek to provide Maine-grown flowers to our community. Sign-up for the newsletter to hear about when and what flowers are in season, farm updates, and opportunities to visit Fox Farm Flowers in the future.
Fox Farm Flowers is located on a 6 acre farm in North Berwick, ME and seeks to provide regeneratively grown, fresh, long-lasting, local flowers to the community.